Verify Your Mobile

Name and Mobile No can't be changed during application process

Please go through the required eligibility mentioned in the Notice carefully before submission of online application. Applicants are instructed strictly to upload the documents which are mentioned in notice only.


  • Please go through the required eligibility mentioned in the Notice carefully before submission of online application. Applicants are instructed strictly to upload the documents which are mentioned in notice only.
  • Age Proof, Ex: Birth Certificate, M.P. Admit Card etc)[Size: 200 KB .pdf only]
  • Upload Employment Exchange Card/Certificate .pdf within 500KB,[If Registered]
  • Academic Qualification[.PDF file Only, 500KB]
  • Computer Knowledge(.PDF file Only, 500KB)[optional]
  • Experience(.PDF file Only, 2MB) Note: Not Required if you have no experience. Other wise it is Mandatory
  • Recent passport size photograph(JPG,JPEG,PNG only 150KB)
  • Signature(JPG,JPEG,PNG only 150KB), Signature Background should be white. Sign with Blue Ink.

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